Slimming Garments

Another bit of sketching/mapping done while reading "The Outer Fringe of Sex" by Maurice North. Wondered if Maurice was writing from personal experience. Is this book a literary equivalent of the "White Coater"? Mind you he refers to "nearly twenty years of investigating this phenomenon of rubber fetishism" (I don't know why I'm so surprised by this length of time as it's how long my own interest has been....erm ....fermenting.)He includes lots of lovingly detailed descriptions of rubbery materials and costume, as well as chronicling magazines ("Macked and Manacled", "Macintosh Monthly", "Impermeable Delectable"), adverts ("Rainwear Model available evenings"), the history of rubber wear and intriguing euphemisms, such as Slim Wear,"Venetian Cloth" etc
It's doing stuff like this, doodling almost, that can throw up good ideas for other Swat friends. This cage-headed lady is something that re-occurs again and again, a variation of here will be turning up in the Swat 'comic book' stories I've got lined up.
Did I buy you that book. I remember a theme emerging, with all the women being called Brenda, Gerda, Monica, Magda, or Hilda.